a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

My Best ­Rose

tagged with: #letter #reading #friends

Dear Z,

Thank you so much for your package, it is lovely and I shall treasure it.

You surprised me. I felt you were exactly the person I remembered but the lens of time and the walls of distance left me ignorant of the truth. I feel so stupid that …


Not ­Nano

tagged with: #writing

How do I go about filling three pages of foolscap from within a text editor? Do I write it longhand count the words and compare it the same number of words on the screen? I’m not sure if it matters. I do not want to write it longhand. I …


Sore ­Eyes

tagged with: #breakup

I have a sore eye. Actually they are both sore one is worse. Red and inflamed, I’m sure they don’t look too good. The dust from the tree bark I was shovelling today is the culprit. That and the dry wind and sun.

I should go to sleep …



tagged with: #letter

Dear Spike,

I am not sure you will read this. This is me, Ben. We grew up together. Your mum does not think you will remember anything. You cannot forget this and I have to tell you. You need to know everything.

We were just little boys when we met …


Chiang ­Trikes

tagged with: #travel #bicycle #ev #thailand

Last Post from Thailand.

A trike bike, thai style
The human powered pedal thing in Thailand are next level

Our first night in Chiang Mai was pretty stressful but the rest of our trip has been awesome. Before going home we will travel down south to learn how to SCUBA dive.

I have been sending …



tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand
A scrappy old street do from Chiang Mai having a drink of water from one of several plastic cups
At the gym Ev and I went to there’s a dog called Bum. Bum is on one of the videos. He was much like this dog which we saw in town one day. Kind of ugly but proud of it.

Bum is one of the dogs that lives at …


Chiang Mai Computer ­Shop

tagged with: #travel #kids #ev #thailand

Riding around Northern Chiang Mai earlier today I passed this and another of my interests was piqued:

Chiang Mai Computer Shop
A computer shop in Chiang Mai

I woke the owner up, he spoke a little english and said that We Open Source people should stick together and share the knowledge. He looked a …



tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand
Ev in the ring facing up to his trainer
Ev in his element in Chiang Mai

Ev has flaked out on the bed. We went to training this morning, and followed that with a trip to the Zoo. I had been looking for an excuse to hire Noi’s Songtaw. Noi and her partner (Nuu-ie, I think) looked after …



tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand

It has been hot and sweaty at training tonight. A few of our club are going to Loiktroh for a fight tonight. I think Ev and I will give it a miss. We are pretty stuffed.

A blurry video still
We did go to Loiktroh. It was a memorable fight.

The Japanese kid got …


Doi ­Suthep

tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand
Evan and I at the beginning of our trip to Chiang Mai
This was us in Bangkok at the beginning of our trip.

We saw a huge beautiful butterfly whilst exploring some waterfalls up at Doi Suthep. Evan also managed to snap a picture of a black dragonfly.

Later in the evening we revisited the Sunday walking markets and had a lovely …



tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand
Evan in the ring with Wong
Evan in he ring with Wong

Day 2 of our Muay Thai training and I am sore all over. My old bones are showing the wear and tear they’ve had over the years. After this mornings training we took the scooter for a ride around town.


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