a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

Shark ­Attack

tagged with: #travel #kids #em #ev

We went to the Curryfest last weekend which was pretty good. Of course we ended up spending most of the time with Emrys in the playpark with hundreds of kids.

Em at the curryfest
Em at the curryfest

I have just returned from a weekend at Station Creek with Ev. We hung out like …



tagged with: #kids #ev #meta
Ev's wolf
Evan drew this awesome wolf

Well, sugar crazy-kid-day is done. Been a bit slack with the blog, working too much of late, no excuse. I made a post-box yesterday with Oscar the Grouch on it, rather confusingly, he is saying, ‘No Junk’. I really need to think things through before …


Sand ­Planet

tagged with: #kids #em
A favourite toy
Caractacus Potts and Chitty Bang Bang captured by giant pudgy hands

Emmy (age 3) and I spent a happy hour or so down the beach this arvo, we built an entire sand-planet. I attempted to fathom the narrative from Em’s three-year old brain as we played. Characters from the …



tagged with: #home #em #ev

Hmmm… sorry been rather busy lately. I’ve added a couple of photos of the Em and Choppy. Evan bottle fed Emrys today because Cheri had to go to the dentist. He was dead chuffed and seemed to be much better at it than me.

Tomorrow we are going to …


Camping in ­Sawtell

tagged with: #travel #kids #em

Dang! Yellow is ugly, I’l have to change the colour again. ‘scuse me while I go upstairs to get another glass of wine…

Aaaaagh!! this keyboard is wobbling, Evan is watching a disney (aka satan) movie called, “dinosaur” very loudly. Emrys is sleeping on my arm hence the one …


Growing ­Em

tagged with: #kids
Young Ev and baby Em
Young Ev and baby Em

Emrys is growing about an inch a day, he’ll be bigger than me by next week. Evan has been building tons of lego spaceships and drawing lots of spaceships. We are all off to Sawtell this weekend.



tagged with: #kids

Emrys Tsambikos Tyler Joy

We have decided to include the name Tsambikos in Emrys’ name!! I might explain why later… Oh and just in (on Charlies’ request), here is a snap of me with my new little boy.

author proudly holding his new bub

I’m off to bed now, it has been a long day …


Emrys’ Birth ­Story

tagged with: #kids #birth #em

Hmm before I forget…

Cheri was getting contractions on and off for a couple of days but they were not at all regular. Eventually at around 4 or 5 pm on the 27th of February, last Wedenesday they started to come with more regularity.

As they were still very gentle …



tagged with: #meta
Welcome! You have found the place for free Computer Training and Resources

Welcome to Tregeagle.
I have decided to revamp this site, so expect to see some major changes in the future. I have moved our training and computer help to rentageek which will be maintained by Matt and me.

I am going to return this site to its original path and …



tagged with: #stories
Jan Tregeagle
The man, the legend… Jan Tregeagle

On the original version of my website I wrote a long blether about Tregeagle. My version of his story, much of it inspired no doubt by that early Kneehigh Theatre production I saw at the Minack. Like much from back then it has been …


Moshav ­Zofar

Katsyuki Uemura a delightful fellow and a good friend
Always cheerful, Katsyuki Uemura was a good friend

Katsyuki missed speaking Japanese. It was too hard to truly express himself. Katsyuki and his friends had been involved in a motorbike fatality. It was something that broke his cohort and he set off travelling. I never got the full story but …


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