a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

Syndicate ­Ridge

Tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends
The Syndicate Track
View from halfway up the Syndicate Ridge

Sunday, Di, Emma, Chris and I went up and down the Syndicate Ridge. It was a fantastic workout for our legs and lovely mornings walk. Chris went all ‘Bush Tucker Man’ on us and distributed lots of odd berries which I nibbled, took home and planted. It was great climbing up into the clouds although very chilly when we got up there. Check out how close the contours are on the map. Or just see the pictures I took of Di and Emma walking up the slope. I reckon Lisa will love this. Those muscley soccer legs will power up this trail :)

The Syndicate Track
Di liked to call it a Rucking Fruitcake of a hill
The Syndicate Track
Em can handle it

We did not see hide nor hair of the so called SA Extreme Walking Club I spoke to Nev (here he is the handsome devil) on Monday. He told me they did not even get on the trail until 12 and they just walked from the car park to Lanes Lookout and back. C’mon Nev call that Extreme?? :p

Us Real Super-Extreme Walkers visited Paulina who was extremely kind and fed us the most delicious Raspberry Muffins and Almond biscuits. Ayone who knows me and my history with buns (or ‘Miggins’ as they are also known) will understand my bliss.

The perfect end to a perfect day.

The Syndicate Track
Syndicate Map
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