a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach


Tagged with: #kids

Emrys Tsambikos Tyler Joy

We have decided to include the name Tsambikos in Emrys’ name!! I might explain why later… Oh and just in (on Charlies’ request), here is a snap of me with my new little boy.

author proudly holding his new bub

I’m off to bed now, it has been a long day. Evan had to go under a General Anaesthetic at the Dentist this morning, poor little fella was terrified. He was very brave though and is now very chipper!

A few people have been asking for more details about the birth so here is my version of events

Well it looks like you were all correct,

  1. A boy?? 33%
  2. A Girl?? 17%
  3. An Alien and sex does not come into it… 50%

Cheri has had beautiful baby alien!! Although it does appear to be a male alien! He is a rather squashed conehead type of alien although I think he is managing to integrate with humans very well.

I am very smelly and must go and have a shower now… Well we are all home now and very happy about that too. Time for Jay, Evan and me to make cups of tea and look after Cheri and Emrys. Here is a picture of Evan preparing his latest culinary creation, Fried Brekky

Evan on the kitchen workbench
Evan on the kitchen workbench

Rachel and Jessica came to visit and there are a couple of snaps. Cheri is having a snooze right now whilst Emrys snoozes on Jay’s shoulder. I’m going to do a spot of housework… where’s my pinny….

Cheri, Emrys and I have just returned from our (final) visit to the hospital. So we shall now endeavour to spend at least the next week doing as little as possible. You are all welcome to drop by but you have to bring sticky buns or anything else tasty to eat.

Your job is now to come and admire Cheri and her baby!!


Other articles
<- Emrys’ Birth Story   |   Growing Em ->


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