a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

This Is ­It

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

Tomorrow Di, Emma, Lisa and I are heading up the coast to get prepared for The Race which starts on Saturday. I have been magnifying every twinge and ache in my mind, getting paranoid that I am going to pop out a kneecap or pull a ligament. However my stupendous …


Next ­Week

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

We’ll be finished this time next week! Holy cow! The emails are starting to fly around the uni is writing articles about us and we’re getting space in the local paper. We are all frantically making lists of stuff to do before the start. For example:

  • Monday - Arg …

Cycling through ­Woodenbong

tagged with: #bicycle #travel #matt

After stacking my bicycle, pulling a wheely after work, I found a physio who did a great job of taping up my ankle. I had to skip the mini-kokoda on Sunday (Sorry team!!) but went ahead and did the ride.

I stuck the photos over on flickr.

Me sitting in the shade of a eucalypt bush in Nerang. My bike behind me. Waiting for Matt
Fresh-faced after …

Mini Kokoda ­2008

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

What a geek. Here I am, a night on the Razz at Cav Avenue on the Gold Coast without my family in tow… and what do I do? Go talk to my self on my blog, hello me.

After stacking my bicycle on Thursday night, like a fool (I’ll …



tagged with: #tech

Today is Download Day!

Internet Explorer Icon VS Firefox 3

The third version of Firefox has been released today.
Firefox is synonymous with: security, stability and ease of use. If you want to try it out… it is only a small download and installing is a cinch.

If not, well that’s fine too. There …


On top of Big Boambee ­Mt

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

SCU Wanderers 14 June 2008

Chris took a pic of Emma, Di and me - after she had made us walk up every single mountain between Crossmaglen and Coffs. That was last week, this weekend we are all heading up to the Gold Coast hinterland to take part in the Mini …


Syndicate ­Ridge

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends
The Syndicate Track
View from halfway up the Syndicate Ridge

Sunday, Di, Emma, Chris and I went up and down the Syndicate Ridge. It was a fantastic workout for our legs and lovely mornings walk. Chris went all ‘Bush Tucker Man’ on us and distributed lots of odd berries which I nibbled, took …


Shark ­Attack

tagged with: #travel #kids #em #ev

We went to the Curryfest last weekend which was pretty good. Of course we ended up spending most of the time with Emrys in the playpark with hundreds of kids.

Em at the curryfest
Em at the curryfest

I have just returned from a weekend at Station Creek with Ev. We hung out like …



tagged with: #kids #ev #meta
Ev's wolf
Evan drew this awesome wolf

Well, sugar crazy-kid-day is done. Been a bit slack with the blog, working too much of late, no excuse. I made a post-box yesterday with Oscar the Grouch on it, rather confusingly, he is saying, ‘No Junk’. I really need to think things through before …


Sand ­Planet

tagged with: #kids #em
A favourite toy
Caractacus Potts and Chitty Bang Bang captured by giant pudgy hands

Emmy (age 3) and I spent a happy hour or so down the beach this arvo, we built an entire sand-planet. I attempted to fathom the narrative from Em’s three-year old brain as we played. Characters from the …



tagged with: #home #em #ev

Hmmm… sorry been rather busy lately. I’ve added a couple of photos of the Em and Choppy. Evan bottle fed Emrys today because Cheri had to go to the dentist. He was dead chuffed and seemed to be much better at it than me.

Tomorrow we are going to …


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