a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

Still sick, want ­bike

tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand
A trike bike, thai style
I could not get enough of the wheeled contraptions

Ev seems to be staging a recovery. I’m still dying though. Not much time left now, I leave everything I own to Scampi. Good Dog. Except my super sports socks, I’d like to be shot into the sun with …


Yum Cha for ­Colds

tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand
Ev looking unwell eating soup
We tried some Tom Yum and Coke for breakfast yesterday. The lady in the stall thought it would be good for our colds. I’m not sure Evan enjoyed it.

Our first few days here have not been going so well. Evan and I both seem to have come down …


Day 1 - In ­Hualampong

tagged with: #travel #ev #thailand

What follows are some posts of our trip to Chiang Mai where Ev and I spent a month training at Lanna Muay Thai. This is the first post.

Well, we survived the flight and made it into Bangkok, we stayed at a place called Cosy Bangkok. Highly recommended if you …


Bling ­String

tagged with: #home #kids #ev

Ev my teenage son is growing up. He dyes his hair and listens to loud music. It beats pooping his pants and chucking tantrums at the sweety counter. I think he is pretty cool. He did not want me to take this picture he knew I was up to something …


Reasons not to do it ­again

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends
Lisa, Di, Emma & I back when we were training for this.
Lisa, Di, Emma & I back when we were training for this.

Our Twitter Kokoda Updates

  • tregeagle: CORRECTION we all had injuries EXCEPT DI. Di is a hard ass.
  • diemma: Thank you 4 ur support over the weekend. We r in the car on our way home. It has been amazing …

Swings and ­Roundabouts

tagged with: #clublinux #tech

Working as I do in a Microsoft Windows-centric IT department has its challenges. None of them technical. Many years of installing and reinstalling Microsoft operating systems and the multitude of other software, patches, updates, workarounds and fixes has become second nature. So much so that I often have waking nightmares …


Confessions of a Weekend ­Hippy

tagged with: #gardening

We seek freedom, but to get it, we must take responsibility.

Gardening – you take the responsibility of rearing your own food, put in a bit of hard yakka and in return you can stay home eating instead of shopping.

If you want the freedom to express things through music, take …


It’s Bloody ­Over!!

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

Jak just sent this to the SCU teams:

It's bloody over!!

I'm sure those of us who lined up on the weekend 
are feeling a mix of emotions (not to mention 
physical ailments).

Regardless of how you went, I think you should 
all be proud of your efforts as even …

This Is ­It

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

Tomorrow Di, Emma, Lisa and I are heading up the coast to get prepared for The Race which starts on Saturday. I have been magnifying every twinge and ache in my mind, getting paranoid that I am going to pop out a kneecap or pull a ligament. However my stupendous …


Next ­Week

tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

We’ll be finished this time next week! Holy cow! The emails are starting to fly around the uni is writing articles about us and we’re getting space in the local paper. We are all frantically making lists of stuff to do before the start. For example:

  • Monday - Arg …

Cycling through ­Woodenbong

tagged with: #bicycle #travel #matt

After stacking my bicycle, pulling a wheely after work, I found a physio who did a great job of taping up my ankle. I had to skip the mini-kokoda on Sunday (Sorry team!!) but went ahead and did the ride.

I stuck the photos over on flickr.

Me sitting in the shade of a eucalypt bush in Nerang. My bike behind me. Waiting for Matt
Fresh-faced after …

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