a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

It’s Bloody ­Over!!

Tagged with: #walking #kokoda #friends

Jak just sent this to the SCU teams:

It's bloody over!!

I'm sure those of us who lined up on the weekend 
are feeling a mix of emotions (not to mention 
physical ailments).

Regardless of how you went, I think you should 
all be proud of your efforts as even attempting 
such an event is beyond most people.

I would particularly like to congratulate the 
Coffs Harbour team who really gutsed it out with 
Dianne, Ruben and Emma all making it to the finish 
line (despite Ruben dawdling the last 5K in three
hours!) Steve McFarlane also put in an exceptional
 effort, despite losing the rest of his team to 
illness and injury, to finish

In term's of my own team it was a fantastic effort
 all round with Val and Felicity again proving 
that men really are the weaker sex, while Rob 
Baglin never ceases to amaze me as a quite achiever 
(who likes traffic lights).

And thank you to the wonderful support crew who kept
 our spirits up and our bodies together as best they 

So who's up for the 2009 Kokoda Challenge?

Mr Jak Carroll
Course Coordinator, Sport Management 
(Surfing Studies)**
Southern Cross University

I’m just a bit too knackered, will post something later … cheers Ruben


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