a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach


tagged with: #kids

Agrippa was feeling petulant, he wanted somebody to feel his frustration. All morning he demanded it but nobody was listening. Then Ben walked walking past the kitchen table with a criticism. He quickly stepped behind the irritating old git and head-butted him between the shoulder blades. With a shout of …


Flaneurs of the World ­Unite

tagged with: #walking

I have yet to read the Flaneur book I gave Suzy. She seemed to enjoy it, I would like to read it before my studies begin again.

There really ought to be time in ones life for walking and art.


In Which I Drink ­Tea

tagged with: #drinking

Mr Dilmah provides the finest leaves of tea, I do enjoy it. I think tea must be the best stimulant available to humankind. It has ben consumed since forever and it has remarkably few adverse effects. Oddly enough it does not appear to do much in the way of stimulation …


Sawtell Fun ­Day

tagged with: #sawtell
The Garford
The brass helmet was too small, as the junior firey it was mandatory for me to wear it.

On New Years Day each year Sawtell is host to the Sawtell Fun Day. This year I was on the old Garford fire engine with Alan. That’s me on the right …


That’s that ­then

tagged with: #death #friends

A friend of mine died last night, John was an old fellow who lived up Coro Ave. Eighty five years old he was. We became friends after he mentored Choppy and I down on the sand dunes. He was passionate about regenerating the foreshores of our local beach, he showed …



tagged with: #breakup


It’s Sunday lunchtime. I’ve been writing utter rubbish all day. Trying to batter my brain into essay writing action with coffee. Now I am shaky and sick. I wanted to text you but you left your phone on the bed and Mike left his bag with phone …


An Emotional ­Price

tagged with: #breakup

So this is what it has come to. I went into this, my initial trimester of study, in the midst of a twisted and broken relationship. I finished yesterday. Nothing has changed. I just put my feelings on pause for, how long? Three and a half months. Studying has kept …



tagged with: #breakup

Shit, pain and filthy fury.

Fury is an ugly filthy monster. I pretend my fury does not exist. I ignore it, down inside my dark recesses but today it got out. My calm exterior hid the boiling fury inside me. I casually hurt the one most dear to me. When …


I have a ­customer

tagged with: #work

He wants me to build him that thing, you know, only different.

You know what I want”.

I know what I think you want. That is what I build. It is not what my customer wanted. I ask my customer to be more specific. My customer specifies what he does …



tagged with: #kids-project

Where are we going with this? I don’t know it all started because Agrippa, Choppy and I love making up stories with each other. I thought we could brainstorm some ideas. Mixed in with reality and random ideas from us, spat out here (nothing has come of it) —->

From …


My Best ­Rose

tagged with: #letter #reading #friends

Dear Z,

Thank you so much for your package, it is lovely and I shall treasure it.

You surprised me. I felt you were exactly the person I remembered but the lens of time and the walls of distance left me ignorant of the truth. I feel so stupid that …


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