a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach


tagged with: #running #health

The Brisbane summer has been hot and humid. Clothes sticking to sweaty skin and fresh cut watermelon turning sour within ten minutes of leaving the fridge.

It started with the dog. She could not look at anyone and hung her head in shame, “Poor dog, you must have eaten something …


13 Years ­Ago

tagged with: #family
Left to right: Joe, Charlie, Zaida, Dan, Georgie and John
Left to right: Joe, Charlie, Zaida, Dan, Georgie and John

Thirteen years ago I missed out on being in this family pic. Next year I hope to complete my Nursing degree and a year after that I hope to complete a Post Grad year. Maybe then I can afford a …


Crappy ­Christmas

tagged with: #xmas
Have a Crappy Christmas
Crap Crap Crap

A beautiful, fantastic girl once gave us a fantastic, beautiful card for Christmas. It was many years ago and is still my all time favourite card. Much love to all our pals and families everywhere.

Enjoy the shopping folks.


Baby ­Quail

tagged with: #home #fowl

Our quails have been rooting a fair bit. The girls are popping out eggs without a care. Unfortunately, they are rather unreliable at getting clucky. Luckily Speedy, like many bantams, loves to keep eggs warm.

Our new baby quail
Our new baby quail

Today Rodney found that she’d hatched one of the quail …


Simon ­Wilson

tagged with: #friends

I found a series of photo’s on an old back-up a few months ago. Which reminded me of my pal Simon. I’m going to post them here so that he can ask me to unpost it.

I am quite an annoying old friend.

Simon Wilson 2001
Simon Wilson last seen 2001 …

Root ­Agora

tagged with: #tech

After several weeks of intermittent failed attempts I finally managed to get root on my crapass phone.

Getting root” has a different meanings here in Australia but in this case it refers to gaining full control of my telephone operating system. A bizarre idea when I stop and think about …


His Ancient ­Beach

tagged with: #death #poetry #friends

John Lee was a friend of mine who died of old age. I say old age but the hospital would tell you it was stroke. John would have told you it was because his body betrayed him.

After going for a run this morning I climbed down the 74 steps …


Still Emptying Dozemary ­pool

tagged with: #meta

Time passes and I’ve removed another iteration of tregeagle.com, there is a hole in the shell and my thoughts keep running through.

Some Nerdy History

I don’t really remember when I first registered tregeagle.com. Sometime around 1999/2000, I think. I first hosted the website on …


Propogate ­Pain

tagged with: #kids

Early this morning as I put my son on the train for a school excursion, I witnessed the propogation of pain. Nothing was meant by it, nobody intended any harm and the cruelty was imperceptible.

Children, parents and teachers all crowded on the platform waiting for the infrequent train. The …


A Grafton Sunday ­Night

tagged with: #nursing

So here I am. I have some work to do. Something about a patient/client case study. I am supposed to use the clinical reasoning skills I have been taught. Sort of Sherlock Holmes the nurse. I will be presenting it later in the week. Motivation is an issue.

I …



tagged with: #note_to_self

I was just reading about the six conditions that Karl Rogers believes are required for therapeutic personality change. Skipping right over the obscene phrase, “therapeutic personality change” I would like to have-at-it with the second condition, which is not to say I don’t have problems with other aspects of …


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