a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

All In One ­Cake

tagged with: #recipe #tea-treat #zaida
two recipes for a cake and some icing
All In One Cake and Coffee Icing

6oz butter - (Soft ?tub)
602 caster suger
3 eggs beaten
8oz SR Flour.
1 tsp BP

Bake 190°
sift flour + BP
Beat all together
20-30 mins

Coffee Fudge Icing

8oz icing suger
2oz butter
3 dst spoon strong black coffee

Heat sugar, butter …



tagged with: #walking

I was out walking the dog on Round Hill this morning. I took this picture and futz’d around with some filters to highlight the textures.

An edited photo I took of red sand, gravel, rocks and dried up bits of grass and bushes.
The outback is gnarly

Before I took this picture I was reminded of a drawing I had seen once, probably Van Gogh. I cannot …


Rock ­Buns

tagged with: #recipe #tea-treat #zaida
My Mums Rock Hard Buns Recipe
Zaida’s Rock Hard Buns

8oz SR Flour
4oz Fat
2oz sugar
4oz dried fruit
1 egg
I tbs milk
demerara for topping

[HOT] Oven 200°/180° Fan

Rub-in fat
All suger & fruit
All egg & milk
Bake 15 min’s



tagged with: #thots #arts #broken hill
A black & white photo-montage self-portrait of the artist Lissitzky. It is overlaid with technical drawing gridpaper and a compass
A self-portrait of Lissitzky from 1924

Tracy next door to the Silver Tree Bookshop gave me a haircut on Friday. We chatted about ceramics, Tracy as it turned out is a member of the Broken Hill Potters Society. The conversation reminded me of my old interests in The St Ives …


Nig ­Nogs

tagged with: #recipe #tea-treat #zaida
My Mums Nig-Nog Recipe
Zaida’s Nig-Nog recipe.

6oz Oats
6oz flour & 1 tsp bicarb
(4oz granulated)
6oz golden syrup
6oz butter

melt butter & syrup
mix dry ingredients
make into balls, flatten

oven 150 10 mins



tagged with: #recipe #preserves #zaida
My Mums Marmalade Recipe
Zaida’s Marmalade recipe.

I stole your recipes Ma, hope it’s OK. I thought I’d post them on my blog so that I can send people here when they give me substandard tea treats and marmalade.

1.8kg - 4lb sevilles
2 lemons
2.7 kg - 7lb granulated.

  1. Wash …

55th ­Birthday

thirsty dog
One really should stop for a drink when one gets busy…

It was my 55th Birthday yesterday. I was ever-so-slightly stereotypically depressed about it. The night before I was kept awake not by the deep philosophical problems that beset humanity, it was constipation. I had a pain across my gut …


50th ­birthday

tagged with: #family #travel #carousel

The reason I travelled all this way was for my little brothers 50th birthday party. I pretty much never go home and do this stuff. I had an awesome night and just love my clan so much.

I danced with a lot of people and every second person seemed to …


British ­Library

tagged with: #walking #travel #london
Some trees on a damp winter day on Hampstead Heath
Hampstead Heath today

My plane landed in the London darkness at 5:30am this morning. The 15 hour flight was extruciating. I took the train to Farringdon to give myself a walk through an old haunt to my hotel in Kings Cross. London has changed a lot since I knew …


Looking at ­Boats

tagged with: #sailing #boats

Living in the Outback far from the sea I have become increasingly obsessed with what I cannot have. Of course, if I found myself on the deck of a boat I would probably miss the flat brown Outback. This post is link-heavy with things I have been reading and am …



tagged with: #audio #podcast

12 years ago I was trying hard to earn a living building stuff using Drupal. A clever chap from Brighton called Jeremy Keith was doing the same but with more success than me. He built a wonderful tool for creating your own podcast called huffduffer. I’ve used huffduffer on …


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