a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

Stash April ­2020

Tagged with: #money

The global COVID reset button has been activated to coincide with our move out west. My Mum and JB have not been able to fly back to the UK. So their holiday has turned into an extended stay with us. It has been great to have them both here. JB is a human dynamo of energy and has done an incredible amount of work around the yard. I love having my Mum safe with us during these awful times.

Currently Australia is fairly optimistic about ‘flattening the curve’. We have not had the numbers expected in our ICU departments, yet. We thought we might not be able to move house but everything is still going ahead. The police have told us it’s fine to drive outback and we both still have our contracts in Broken Hill. We have been packing up all our belongings into endless boxes. The house is chaos and I think we are all sick of it. The bank will advance and transfer the money for our new house tomorrow. Then the removal truck comes the next day and we will finally load up and go.

Here is my stash report in all it’s shonky glory:

My Net Earnings

My Superannuation

Recently changed to FSS 50/50 Australian/International Equities (single asset class equities)

Our Cash in the Bank

Paid the painter; the removal truck and the conveyancing fees

Jointly Owed on Mortgage (Rate: 2.88%)

Estimated Home Value

My Equities

These dipped to ~$40k briefly and I expect they’ll go back into that territory. I intend to keep on buying

VDHG(144); GOLD(15); IAF(35); IEM(104); VAS(211); VGS(232)


April Networth is negative $161,515
April Networth is negative $161,515

Considering all the madness coming out of the news cycle we have been OK this month. Next month we’ll be in a lot more debt and own another liability. We’ll both be earning again. Without a doubt this is the beginning of some long-term pain for the world both financially and socially.

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