a picture my son drew of a wave on a beach

Cousin ­Jack

Tagged with: #friends

I’ve not been a good friend. I did not send cards or presents. I moved around the globe and did not stay in contact. I have become older and regrettably maudlin about Cornwall and my old friends. I have gone home for intermittent visits. We have awkward conversations remembering awkward times, seperate lifetimes between us. Our triumphs and tragedies were not shared leaving a gulf between us. It is a shame but it is what it is.

For the past few days I have been reading an old blog put up by Jack, an old friend of mine. It’s called Living with Proles, he blogs about being a widowed Dad of two young boys. He posted for just one year starting in the spring of 2013 and ending the following year. I remember reading a few of his posts at the time. I was struggling with a broken relationship at the time and did not have the space for it. Reading it now accentuates the ache I have for a life lived away from the land I grew up in.

I thought of Jack because Flora Day is approaching and I am wondering what will become of it this year. The pandemic has put the kybosh on so many things. Like Jack I love the Hal-an-tow and cannot believe I have only been back for it once in the past 26 years.

The Kernewek Lowender Copper Coast festival is on this year from the 17th to the 23rd of May. I heard about it years ago but have never been able to make it. It takes place in South Australia they have Furry dancing, pasties and ‘Cornish Ceremonies’. The festivities are shared amongst the towns of Kadina, Moonta and Wallaroo. I guess it’s the closest I’ll get to Helston Flora Day this year.

I have a few friends here in Australia. I think I come across as a chatty friendly person but at times I am a bit awkward. Us blokes are pretty crap at forming deep friendships.


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